Let's face it: since you are about to download and read this book, you are faced with serious problems most people don't even suspect. You are at a loss about what's going on around you, you don't know why nothing goes right for you, while all the others around you seem to be having a whale of a time in a never-ending party.
This book doesn't promise to make you rich, famous or super sexy; but it will reveal some basic truths about the world we live in, and it will show you the real reasons for your misfortunes.
All you have to do, is keep an open mind and be prepared for the incredible and the impossible.
Therefore, by reading this book you will replace answers to certain questions, as well as practical advice on how to deal with everyday reality and become a calmer and happier person.
Concise: No beating around the bush; just the point.
Sincere: No brainwash about the omnipotence of positive thinking.
Effective: Clear guidelines that will help you tackle everyday problems, enjoy life and feel better about yourself.
The Terrestrial Matrix is a kind of virtual reality. It gives the impression of a real universe, yet it is not real at all; it is a virtual world manufactured by alien entities, with sciences incomprehensible to the common human mind and it mostly serves as a prison and an experimentation laboratory.
Α) The Rulers
These entities are forces of occupation on Earth – extraterrestrial, invisible, non-material beings, probably of electric nature. They took over the planet thousands of years ago and turned it into a ''hen-coop'' for them to exploit. Human beings are their ''hens''. The ''hen-coop'' is actually a complex net of energy fields, commonly known as “The Matrix”. Entities who act behind the scenes can be nothing but malevolent. Some call them Shadows or Demons; religions worship and call them Gods or Angels.
B) Structural elements
i) Mankind is the basic structural element of the Terrestrial Matrix. All human activities (deeds, thoughts, feelings, relationships, inspirations, civilizations) are controlled by the Rulers to the slightest detail.
The extraterrestrial rulers use humans as biological marionettes because they need intelligent organic beings so as to affect the material plane according to their ''divine plan''. Yet, not all human beings are components of the Matrix; some of them (only a few) are prisoners.
ii) Machines, especially the electronic ones, functioning on line: computers, cellphones, devices which emit or receive radio waves, all kinds of electromagnetic fields, robots, as well as artificial intelligence serve as gates between the invisible world and the terrestrial matrix.
Humans and electronic machines, continually controlled and coordinated by the extraterrestrial rulers of Earth, compose the Terrestrial Matrix.
C) Mechanisms of the Matrix
a) Family: It is the cellule of human society, thus the cellule of the Matrix. Starting from childbirth, every human being spontaneously takes a specific position in their family and plays a definite role in it, always according to the needs of the Matrix.
Then, through imperceptible but exact procedures controlled by the alien Rulers, this role is enlarged within society, gradually making one's personal destiny.
Moment by moment, a person's social environment is unconsciously coordinated around him/her, in such a way that this person always has the same role he/she has in the family. If you are ''the black sheep'' of your family, you will always be ''the black sheep'', no matter where you are or what you do.